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Event Calendar

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Welcome to Ashland!


Ashland SignChequamegon Bay offers world-class smallmouth bass fishing as well as great near-shore and deep-water fishing.  Many anglers have put a bend in their fishing rods during the late-March steelhead run in the South Shore’s rivers.

Some of the most spectacular waterfalls in the entire state are located in Ashland County.  Copper Falls State Park near Mellen features three scenic waterfalls on the Tyler Forks and Bad rivers.  Hikers will be enthralled by the breathtaking beauty of Morgan Falls, the second-highest waterfall in Wisconsin.

In addition to exceptional fishing and hiking opportunities, the Chequamegon Bay region is among the best birding destinations in the Midwest, with a wide variety of habitats home to nearly 300 species.  Abundant public lands and extraordinary natural beauty provide visitors with unparalleled nature-watching opportunities in this exceptional area of northern Wisconsin.  Casual and avid bird watchers alike as well as nature lovers will be drawn to Ashland and the south shore of Lake Superior in May for the annual Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Festival.  In 2021 we will be doing a “Repurposed” Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Event.  Due to Covid the usual event will not take place this year but we have put together some Self-Guided Birding & Nature Walks that you can do on your on.

Fishing Ordock sunset Morgan Falls Bridge Blue Winged Teal

The community’s pride in its rich history is evident in its 20 vibrant murals highlighting a particular aspect of Ashland’s colorful past, depicting subjects ranging from the city’s lumberjacks and military veterans to its railroads, storefronts and former massive ore dock. Since 2005, Ashland has been known as the “Historic Mural Capital of Wisconsin,” making the city a year-round public art destination.

The Ashland Rails to Trails System (ARTS) and Waterfront trail is a “Must See” in Ashland.  At 11.5 miles, this asphalted pedestrian trail, open to bikers, walkers, runners, and is ADA compliant, takes you along Lake Superior’s shoreline past historic structures, public art displays, fishing piers, public beaches, playgrounds, and to an underpass tunnel (Ed Griffiths Pedestrian Pass) that runs under highway 2, linking the waterfront to our historic downtown.

As you browse our many gift, clothing, sporting and specialty shops, you’ll find everything from local delicacies and gourmet delights, to outdoor gear, vintage clothing and fine art. Searching for that perfect gift for someone special? You’ll discover so many intriguing possibilities as you stroll through Ashland’s historic Main Street district.

Ashland offers visitors a wide variety of mouthwatering mealtime choices. Check out one of our locally-owned eateries for home-cooked specialties or sip an award-winning craft-brewed beer with your meal.

Imagine…Work where you play!


Ashland, the heart and soul of Chequamegon Bay, encourages visitors to enjoy and explore all that Lake Superior country has to offer. Click here to download the 2021 Ashland County Activity & Visitor Guide or here to have a Visitor Guide mailed to you. Find YOURSELF next to the water in Ashland!

(Photos on this website are provided by Monroe Photography.)